Homeless Awareness and Response Program (H. A. R. P.)

HARP Students in Need - we partner with Lulac Hernecia for Project Smile giving Senior Portraits to Homeless Seniors in KISD.

Several local photographers get together to ensure they have senior pictures.

We give dresses to homeless girls for prom as founder Tina Capito celebrates her birthday in December by collecting dresses from the community.
H.A.R.P. can help you, here is how!
If you live under one of the following conditions, you may qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act:
* a shelter
* hotel/motel
* in a house or apartment with another family because of economic hardship,
or loss and family issues such as divorce, domestic violence
*an abandoned building, car, park, on the street, or campsite
* in substandard housing (lacking heat, electricity, running water; mold)
* with friends or family because you are a runaway or unaccompanied youth
If you live in one of these situations Texas State Law guarantees that you can enroll in school and you do not need to provide any of the following documentation:
*proof of residency
*immunization records
*birth certificate
*school records
*legal guardianship records
Benefits of being identified and enrolled in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Program:
*continue to attend the last school in which you were last enrolled
*receive transportation to and from your school or origin comparable to housed students
*automatically qualify for Child Nutrition Programs
*once identified, students receive homeless services for the remainder of the school year
*one-time purchase of clothes and school supplies
*participate in all school activities for which you are eligible
*referrals to community service agencies